Thursday, August 16, 2012

WWE: It's Time to Face Facts, There Is No Tag Team Revival

Fans of WWE keep speculating that a tag team revival is just about to happen. A lot of people think we may even be at the beginning of one.

Any day now, we're going to turn on the TV and it will be like a return to the glory years of the '80s or late '90s. Just give it a little more time.

It's time to stop waiting at the great tag team bus stop: It's not coming.

When was the last time that there was a healthy tag division in WWE? By healthy, all I mean is that there are even four legitimate tag teams.

Maybe 2002?

Yes, we used to have the Dudley Boys, Edge and Christian, the Hardy Boys, the RTC, the New Age Outlaws and the APA being teams at roughly the same time. And those were some good times!

But it was a long time ago. It's like fans complaining that we're no longer in the Attitude Era. Tag teams are not making a resurgence.

The last decade, usually half the tag division has been composed of two guys randomly thrown together for no apparent reason (Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov, even R-Truth and Kofi Kingston).

What on TV currently gives any indication that tag teams are making a comeback?

Sure, there's been recent rumors of a tag team resurgence, but nothing has been concrete. Those rumors also sound oddly familiar, as we heard that over a year ago HHH was serious about the tag division.

But where is the on-air proof?

Tag title matches aren't promoted a week in advance, tag team wrestlers rarely talk and they don't have any storylines. The best we get is that they'll interfere in each other's matches. No team has defined personalities or goals that fans can get behind.

Also, who are the teams in the division? The Prime Time Players, Epico and Primo, Hunico and Camacho, the Usos, Kofi and R-Truth and Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins.

That's it. Still excited about the tag division?

We just saw Ryback beat one of the only himself...twice.

The tag team champions have been manhandled by The Big Show on multiple occasions.

As the top act, Kofi rarely talks, and R-Truth has an imaginary friend. And that's the best-pushed team in the division!

If WWE wont get behind Kofi and R-Truth as singles acts, why would they suddenly give them time to shine while they're in a tag team? If they did get really over, they'd just be split up.

The division is better than it was a little over a year ago when it was Santino and Kozlov who were the champions. I'll give you that. But the current division has already peaked. What we're seeing now is most likely as good as it's going to get.

Every so often, fans get excited about rumors of a new cruiser weight division, the women's division finally being pushed or the tag teams finally getting the spotlight.

Yet time and time again, fans are let down. Vince McMahon seems to be set in his ways. He doesn't care about the division anymore, and it's hard to believe that he'll suddenly have an interest in it again.

If WWE really cared about the tag division, they'd throw away those belts that looked like pennies. Until that happens, expect to hear fans talking about the "good old days" of tag team wrestling for years to come.


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