Monday, January 14, 2013

Manchester City: Linesman Tells Players to Thank Fans Who Paid �62 for Tickets

Who knew? Football officials might just be the watchdogs for the working class.

If you follow the English Premier League closely, you'll remember the stink that was made last week about ticket prices for Manchester City's fans traveling to Arsenal. The magic number was £62, or the equivalent of right around $100.

According to the Daily Mail, Manchester City sent back 912 of the club's allotted 3,000 tickets. Those who made the trip protested the prices with banners before kickoff.

After the final whistle, though, things got interesting. As Manchester City's players shook hands with the officials following their 2-0 win over Arsenal, one of the linesmen offered a piece of advice to the defending champions.

His name is John Brooks, and television cameras picked up what he said. The message?

"They've paid £62 quid over there," Brooks said, referring to City's traveling fans. "Go and see them."

We don't know how you feel about it, but we kinda like this. Brooks understood that City's fans had paid quite a bit of money to see their team. He wanted to make sure they felt their sacrifice and support was appreciated.

The footballers themselves, who make that much money every time they blow a snot rocket, probably didn't quite make the connection.

Way to go, Brooksy. We're all about standing up for the common man here at B/R, so we've made this everyman's hero the subject of our Set Piece Video of the Day for this Monday. The clip appears above. Enjoy.

Meanwhile, this seems like as good a time as any to rekindle the debate.

Should Arsenal charge away fans so much for tickets? Were City fans right to send back the tickets and protest at another team's ground?

Let us know all about it in the comments.



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