Friday, December 21, 2012

ESPN suspends Parker for 30 days

Rob Parker has survived. That's the first takeaway from ESPN's announcement this afternoon. �The controversial debater/controversy-igniter has been given a 30 day suspension by the network. �I had thought Parker's job was in serious jeopardy before seeing his apology being read on SportsCenter this morning. �That was a major sign ESPN's investment in Parker wasn't coming to an end. � However, perhaps the more interesting nugget from the ESPN statement is that there have been additional disciplinary measures taken against personnel at First Take and there will be "enhanced editorial oversight" for the widely criticized show: ?ESPN has decided to suspend Rob Parker for 30 days for his comments made on last Thursday?s episode of First Take. Our review of the preparation for the show and the re-air has established that mistakes both in judgment and communication were made. As a direct result, clearly inappropriate content was aired and then re-aired ...


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